Crisis Lines

Addictions and Mental Health Services of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties
Offices across Hastings County, including one in Bancroft. Services are available to individuals aged 16 and over.

Kids Help Phone
Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. They offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young people in both English and French.

Hastings County Community Resources

Community Advocacy and Legal Centre
A non-profit community legal clinic that helps people living on a low income in Hastings, Prince Edward, and Lennox & Addington counties and Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory with their legal problems.

Community Employment Services, Loyalist College Bancroft
Delivers Employment Ontario programs and services in the Belleville and Bancroft areas.

Hastings Department of Social Services (Ontario Works) – Bancroft
Ontario Works provides employment and financial assistance to help you become financially independent and to improve quality of life for you and your family.

Loyalist College of Applied Arts & Technology – Bancroft Campus
Offers a range of diploma and certificate programs through distance learning and in-class on campus and in our surrounding communities.